Wednesday 18 January 2012

Research Methods

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

When creating my magazine I will have to decide how I shall conduct my primary market research to find out my audience's preferences about music magazines. There are two types of research methods that I can carry out:

Qualitative: This research method involves gathering 'Quality' data from sources. This deals with descriptions which should be in-depth and opinionated. This type of data cannot be measured or counted, only observed. These are normally about colours, textures and appearances of particular things and can give more details than Quantitative data.

Quantitative: This research method involves gathering 'Quantity' data from sources. Unlike Qualitative data this provides a lot of amount of data, not necessarily in-depth or precise. These questions are normally about age range, sex and preferences.

I will conduct this research by use of an Online Questionnaire. This means that more people are exposed to this than in a physical format, since it can be distributed through social media and forums. I think people are more likely to complete my questionnaire since it reinforces anonynimity because of it being through the internet.

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